1000 Votes in our Baby Name Poll – Which Name is Winning?

We’ve passed 1,000 votes in our baby name poll!

Now we have enough data to start showing off the top names:

Looks like Alexander, Isaac and Finn have taken an early lead. I haven’t done any real data analysis yet, but we’re getting enough votes now that I won’t be able to resist for long.

If you haven’t voted, please follow this link to the form. For each vote, we (and some other folks at Google) have pledged to donate $1 to Save the Children. Just by voting, you ensure a child receives a polio vaccine.

See the original post and the FAQ for more info.

3 thoughts on “1000 Votes in our Baby Name Poll – Which Name is Winning?

  1. I’m having trouble seeing the graphic of the top names. It won’t load in either Chrome or Safari… :(

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